Free to play tips: What to spend Energon on?

Energon is the game’s cash currency, so treat it as you would your real money. Unless you’re loaded, you will want to think twice before spending this resource. Here’s a look at some good Energon spending habits that will ensure you get the most bang for buck.

1) Limited time offers: Alpha Spark Essences or better
There will come a point in time when you will need these, sparks or essences, and when you do, you’ll realise that there’s substantial time and effort investment required to obtain them. So, plan forward and pick these up as and when they appear because your life will be so much easier if you do. Offers like these are rare, appearing (on average) once every 2 months, which gives you sufficient time to build that Energon bank. The same goes for over the counter Tier 1 Alpha Sparks/Essences.

2) Alliance Revive/Repair Kits
If you’re running an Alliance Mission and your bots perish or are running low on health, you may be required to pop a revive/repair kit, especially if your team’s counting on you for that 100% exploration push. If the circumstances are less damning, for example you bit off more than you can chew in a story mission – save it, either you burn the free kits you earned in your regular playthroughs or you eat the humble pie and exit the mission.

3) Refreshing bots in Arena for the final push

This is not something you'd want to make a habit of but, if you are serious about pushing for top honors, you will need those bots fighting fit when you want them. In such cases, you may want to pay the 5 Energon (for 2-star bots) or 10 Energon (for 3-star bots) for that final push. Depending on how high up the ladder you are, doing this could easily be worth the reward. 

And what to avoid? Well, basically everything else. Leave the featured bot, mod, or gold crystals be. You play the lottery with those crystals, you’re going to end up with more losses than gains. Also, don’t bother with shields, unless you’ve got a truck ton of raid chips saved up that you want to protect for a short while. Always remember, Energon’s cash currency, and Kabam’s not giving out badges to high rollers, so spend wisely.  

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