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FREE TO PLAY TIPS: What hat’s best for your crab?

TL;DR speed hats for small crabs, your best damage modifying hats for your fat crabs. You may have noticed that in King of Crabs, your crabs get to wear hats. And, as much as you may want to don the rarest hat in your collection, or the most attractive one that appeals to your aesthetic sensibilities, the truth is, these hats can have a profound impact on gameplay – so for the best* experience, you should not be picking your hats flippantly. Best* = dying the least number of times. Thankfully, if you can’t for the life of you figure out what hat goes best with your crab, there’s this neat guide to help with your selection. In the game, there’s only two responses to any engagement: that is to fight or take flight. No matter how stacked your small crabs are (i.e. anything under the Super Rare category), you will not win in a straight up fight with the big crabs, smol crabs are simply that weak. Conversely, if you’re running a fat crab, be ready to brawl your way in...

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